The European Jewish community is in a precarious position as the social climate has become increasingly hostile to Jews over the past few years. With more than 95,000 participants in... read more
As Eastern Europeans Jews came to New York in large numbers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a thriving Yiddish-language theater community popped up on the Lower East... read more
RPF has long supported new ways to share Jewish tradition and culture. The Making of a Mensch, for example, is a film and discussion project dedicated to reengaging Jews around... read more
Who Will Write Our History is a 90-minute documentary about Emanuel Ringelblum and the secret archives of the Warsaw Ghetto. Ringlelblum led the Oyneg Shabes, a group of intellectuals that... read more
Reboot is a network of creatives, activists, and entrepreneurs working to reinvigorate Jewish life, making the old new and the new inviting and meaningful. Reboot continues to leverage the creativity... read more
With Israeli Arabs comprising roughly 20 percent of Israel’s population, it is critical that the country’s cultural institutions play a role in connecting them and Israeli Jews through art. To... read more
Each month, PJ Library connects Jewish and Jew-ish families from around the world to Jewish traditions and values by delivering them more than 400,000 free children’s books with Jewish themes.... read more
This grant provides continued support to the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for the preservation, research, distribution, and digitization of documentary films about the... read more
USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s New Dimensions in Testimony is a collection of interactive interviews with Holocaust survivors that will permit future generations to “talk” with projected images of Holocaust survivors... read more
Indecent is a play by Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright Paula Vogel inspired by God of Vengeance, an avante guard drama written nearly 100 years ago by the renowned Yiddish playwright Sholem... read more