RPF Grantee

T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

  • Project

    Moral Rabbinic Leadership Program, Movement Chaplaincy, and Expanding Resources to Address Antisemitism

  • Year


  • Amount

    $300,000 over two years

  • Description

    Led by Rabbi Jill Jacobs, T’ruah brings together clergy from all streams of Judaism to advance human rights. With support from RPF, T’ruah will deepen the impact of their “moral leadership” track by providing resources, skills-based trainings, and peer-to-peer support to 100 rabbis and cantors over the next two years. They will also expand their work combating antisemitism and train a smaller group of “movement chaplains”—rabbis who specifically provide spiritual support to activists on the frontlines of justice.

    Photograph courtesy of T’ruah

  • More Info

Additional Grants To T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights