Program Area
Arts & Culture
$500,000 over two years
At a time when arts and culture nonprofits are struggling as a result of the pandemic, CANVAS is dedicated to helping the field of Jewish arts and culture not just survive but grow. The JFN-housed initiative provides grants for Jewish arts organizations, engages and educates new funders who can provide additional support, and promotes Jewish arts projects to the Jewish community and beyond. The initiative, which was designed in response to field research commissioned by RPF, made significant headway in its first years, and was able to quickly initiate emergency grants to Jewish artists in the wake of COVID-19. As it enters its third year, CANVAS is looking to increase its annual grantmaking and deepen its impact as a convener and network weaver for the field.
Olivia Guterson creating At Our Table, a commissioned work installed at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit and part of the coast-to-coast CANVAS-funded exhibition Dwelling in a Time of Plagues. Image by Sal Rodriguez. -
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Additional Grants To Jewish Funders Network