RPF Grantee

Avodah: The Jewish Service Corps

  • Project

    Service Corps

  • Program Area

    Social Justice

  • Year


  • Amount

    $250,000 over two years

  • Description

    Avodah’s Jewish Service Corps provides leadership development training to young Jews (aged 21-26) across Chicago, New York City, New Orleans, and Washington, D.C. Service Corps Members live and learn together while spending a year serving at organizations addressing poverty and other social justice issues. The impact is trifold: Avodah’s work placement partners gain dedicated employees who add capacity to their organizations, Service Corps Members build meaningful bonds to each other and the communities they serve, and the broader Jewish community strengthens the pipeline of leaders committed to social justice.

    Photograph courtesy of Avodah

  • More Info

Additional Grants To Avodah: The Jewish Service Corps